Category: Illustration for Children
O Diário da Matilde
Matilde’s Diary is a companion to the Matilde collection, with colourful pages full of creative prompts, ready to be filled with drawings, text or funny lists.
Matilde e o Espelho da Sorte
Matilde and the Lucky Mirror, the fifth volume in the series, brings a rogue teacher, a fluffy but dangerous creature on the loose and a mirror that brings havock to the school.
As Gémeas em Santa Clara
Covers for Sara Rodi’s follow-up novels to the classic The Twins at St. Clare’s, by Enid Blyton
Acredita em Ti, Tu És Capaz!
Believe in Yourself, You Can Do It! by Sara Rebello da Silva, is a collection of stories for young girl about self-confidence and self-love.
À Espera do Natal
Waiting for Christmas is a picture book that doubles as an advent calendar, with a story about the Xmas Tree every day.
Matilde e o Segredo dos Quatro Ventos
Matilde and the Secret of the Four Winds, the fourth volume of the series, sees Matilde falling out with her best friend, while chasing a mysterious book with an incredible secret.
Mallory Towers – The First Three Years
Cover for a 3-in-1 Portuguese edition of Enid Blyton’s “Mallory Towers”
O Camião das Histórias
Illustration for The Story Truck, a beautiful story about the passing time and the power of storytelling by beloved Portuguese author Rosário Alçada Araújo
Matilde e as Horas Roubadas
Matilde and the Stolen Hours is the third volume of the collection. Someone seems to be tinkering with time, but Matilde is the only one that can see it.
Folktale Week 2021
Folktale Week 2021. I only managed to finish the three first images, and my story remained unfinished.
Matilde e o Retrato Amaldiçoado
Matilde and the Cursed Portrait is the second volume of the adventures of the pink-haired witch. Matilde and her friends are looking for a missing locket and end up finding out much more than they imagined.
Alice Vieira collection
Cover design and illustration for classic Portuguese children books by beloved author Alice Vieira
Sperm whale and calf
Sperm whales illustration created for the #drawtheoceans challenge by Greenpeace Uk
Matilde e a Cidade das Portas Mágicas
Matilde is a young witch who moves from a small village in the forest to a big city to live with her aunt Miranda and study in a regular school. But is it so regular?
Contos que não cabem em casa
Illustrations for a collection of short stories published during the lockdowns by Portuguese author Alexandre Honrado.
Fernão Não, Fernão Sim
“Ferdinand No, Ferdinand Yes” is a book by Alexandre Honrado and Miguel Feio, about three characters finding out all they can about Magellan’s first trip around the globe, 500 years ago.
O País das Laranjas
This beautiful novel by Rosário Alçada Araújo is set in the late forties and tells the story of an Austrian girl who is taken in by a Portuguese family after the war.
O Livro com Fome
“The hungry book”: An original children’s book by André Madaleno, where the book itself talks to the reader.
A Minha Rua é Mágica
“My Street is Magical”: Another beautiful children’s book by Rosário Alçada Araújo.
Num tempo que já la vai
Illustrations for a children’s book about a girl, her grandmother and a time travelling blanket, by my dear friend and wonderful writer Rosário Alçada Araújo.
Diário de um Adolescente
Cover for an incredible book about a teenager in the early 20th century, by the wonderful Alice Vieira
O Livro de Receitas das Gémeas
The Twins Cookbook is a fully illustrated children cookbook with recipes inspired by the kind of food eaten in Enid Blyton’s Twins at St. Clares novels.