My Books

Matilde Series

O Diário da Matilde
2023, Nuvem de Letras

A beautiful diary full of prompts to write and to draw.

Matilde e o Espelho da Sorte
Matilde e o Espelho da Sorte
2023, Nuvem de Letras

Matilde and her friends are after a lucky mirror, a magic creature and a rogue teacher.

Matilde e o Segredo dos Quatro Ventos
Matilde e o Segredo dos Quatro Ventos
2022, Nuvem de Letras

What secrets are behind the strange accident at the school library?

Matilde e as Horas Roubadas
Matilde e as Horas Roubadas
2021, Nuvem de Letras

Time is being tinkered with and nobody but Matilde seems to notice it.

Matilde e o Retrato Amaldiçoado
Matilde e o Retrato Amaldiçoado
2020, Nuvem de Letras

Matilde and her friends need to recover a missing necklace with a strange portrait.

Matilde e a Cidade das Portas Mágicas
Matilde e a Cidade das Portas Mágicas
2020, Nuvem de Letras

A little witch moves from her small village to the big city.

Other books

À Espera do Natal
À Espera do Natal
2022, Nuvem de Letras

A story-a-day Xmas countdown about all the creatures that live on the Christmas Tree.

O Livro de Receitas das Gémeas
O Livro de Receitas das Gémeas
2013, Oficina do Livro

Illustrated recipes for children, inspired on Enid Blyton’s Twins books.

Cafe Patita
Café Patita
2013, Divina Comédia

My very own recipe collection. Out of print.